
2019.9.13.271 (MagiCAD 2020 UR-1 for Revit)

This version was also included in the MagiCAD 2020 UR-1 for Revit.


Level of Detail support for MagiCAD Connect
MagiCAD Connect now imports product geometry in multiple detail levels, which the user can select for the products in Revit. Supported levels are MagiCAD LOD 200, 300 and 350. MagiCAD LOD 300 is comparative to what has been available in MagiCAD products before this latest update.
The email-template for contacting our support has been improved to better assist users sharing information about any issues they might be experiencing when using MagiCAD Connect.
Resolved issues
  • The error code was not always shown when an error occurred in MagiCAD Connect.
  • An issue related to the permalink in families has been fixed. If you downloaded a product with multiple variants, meaning it had multiple types in the RFA in the project, then the permalink did not work for all of the different types. Because of this you weren't able to check the details of the product using the Properties-function.
  • The updated Web browser component (see below) solves a range of issues caused by conflicts between multiple Web browser component versions. (for example an E0100-error and a black Connect-dialog)
  • The user was able to navigate to MagiCAD's homepage in the Connect-dialog. This then caused unnecessary confusion as the user easily ended up in the traditional search-window for MagiCAD Cloud, but via the Connect-application.
Other details
Web browser component (EO version:


Comment: This version has also been released with the MagiCAD 2020 UR-1 version for Revit


Resolved issues
The MagiCAD Connect-tab in MagiCAD for AutoCAD disappeared when the user installed additional plugins.