
2020.5.13.457 (MagiCAD 2021 MR)

This version was also included in the MagiCAD 2021 Main Release.


Support for AutoCAD 2021 and Revit 2021
MagiCAD Connect now supports AutoCAD 2017-2021 (MagiCAD is required) and Revit 2018-2021.
New product classes have been added
MagiCAD Connect now supports the following new product types:
  • Gas valves
  • Back boxes
Updated web browser component (EO version: 20.1.31)
Improved compatibility with other 3rd party addins.
Resolved issues
Installing fittings via Connect did not work. This has now been fixed.
Some improvements and fixes to a selection tool insert.
Fixed an issue preventing insert from one of the selection tools after using an upcoming feature switching - functionality (supported since 2018.12.13.89) from normal Product Search.


Untoggling MagiCAD Connect in MagiCAD for Revit 2018 UR-2 forward did not work properly
After untoggling MagiCAD Connect in MagiCAD for Revit's settings, the appölication was still available in the ribbon. Now this has been fixed and MagiCAD Connect will not be visible if it is untoggled.
In case MagiCAD Connect isn't available in the ribbon in Revit, after updating MagiCAD or MagiCAD Connect, then check the settings to make sure the feature isn't deselected.