
2021.1.6.529 (MagiCAD 2021 UR-2)

This version was also included in the MagiCAD 2021 UR-2 Release.
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Reload MagiCAD Connect Ribbon UI
If MagiCAD Connect's features are disabled, for example due to lack of internet connection during AutoCAD's or Revit's startup, the application now provides an option to reload the ribbon UI once the user comes online.
MagiCAD Connect itself will also attempt to periodically reload the ribbon UI if the initial load wasn't successful.
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
MagiCAD Connect is now FIPS compliant and enabling FIPS will no longer cause errors in the use.
Third Party Plugin Compatibility Improvements
Improvements have been made to solve a number of different DLL conflict issues.
For example a conflict with RVT Xporter plugin caused Revit to crash without warning, when user attempted to launch this third party plugin. These issues should now be resolved with this latest update.
The Default Ventilation Pressure Unit Changed from Pa to kPa
The default pressure unit for ventilation devices that MagiCAD Connect provides for MagiCAD Cloud's product search user interface has been changed from kPa to Pa. This change will become self apparent for users that are using older versions of MagiCAD Connect once the unit setting support comes live on MagiCAD Cloud, since the ventilation diagrams will show pressure in kPa instead of Pa.
Other minor improvements and fixes in MagiCAD Connect.
Other details
Web browser component (EO version:  20.3.63)


Improvements and a new feature in the Sewatek MagiCAD Selection Tool
The Insert Unit function has been updated and a new Edit Unit function is now available to make of updating Sewatek's penetration units fast and easy.
Removing the old MagiCAD Connect for AutoCAD folder when updating or uninstalling MagiCAD Connect
The old MagiCAD Connect for AutoCAD folder (located in C:\Program Files\MagiCloud Connect) wasn't removed when MagiCAD Connect for AutoCAD was uninstalled or updated. This has now been resolved.