
2022.1.4.659 (MagiCAD 2022 UR-2)

This version was also included in the MagiCAD 2022 UR-2 Release.
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Updated data support
Support for new data properties has been added.
This includes support for "Effective Area"-properties which are available in some radiators. It wasn't possible to download these radiators via Connect from MagiCAD Cloud, and an error was shown.
The issue has now been resolved together with these updates:
Fixed a custom product data "cross wiring" issue with two of the selection tools.
There was an issue where the custom product data provided by the selection tool got crosswired to the previously inserted product from that same selection tool within the same design session. This issue affected product inserts from Blücher and Wide selection tools.
Other details
Web browser component (EO version: 21.3.18)


ETS Nord pressure drop
Fixed a pressure drop calculation issue for ETS Nord hoods with supply air panels.


ABC Vent MagiCAD Selection Tool
ABC Vent MagiCAD Selection Tool for grilles, roof cowls and wall covers has been added to MagiCAD Connect for AutoCAD.
Startup issue
An issue where some AutoCAD users experienced "The message filter indicated that the application is busy"-message has now been fixed and this message is hidden from the users.
Plugin updater issue
MagiCAD Connect's plugin updater did not work properly and the updater's progress bar did not update. Even if the file was downloaded in the background this was not obvious to the user, and when closing the updater, without separately saving the downloaded file elsewhere, the downloaded file was deleted as a normal process to clear any unfinished downloads.
Now the updater has been improved to resolve this issue.
The "Description"-information was not handled properly in electrical products
An issue was caused where the variants weren't getting the "Description"-information.
As electrical products are not imported as an entire family, with all variants within the same family, and only as individual variants, some information is inherited from the product's family if the variant itself doesn't contain that data. But due to an issue this was not done for the description and therefore the variants without this individual information, in the database, were completely missing the description text.
MagiCAD Connect crashed if multiple applications, with MagiCAD Connect installed, were started at the same time
MagiCAD Connect crashed if multiple applications with MagiCAD Connect installed were started at the same time. For example if multiple Revits, or Revit and AutoCAD, were started approximately at the same time, it sometimes led to this issue occurring. This was related to an issue with specific versions of the EO web browser component which MagiCAD Connect uses, which now should be resolved as this release of MagiCAD Connect has been updated with a newer version of this web browser component, where this issue has been fixed. For more information about the fix see the Essential Objects' own release notes for version 21.2.99.