
Insert Roof Cowl

After the user has clicked the Insert Roof Cowl button in MagiCAD Connect, the ABC Vent Selection Tool is opened into the MagiCAD Connect application.
The user fills the search information in the selection tool and and after that selects the search button.
After that the selection tool shows the recommended products for the user. The user clicks the Select button for the product selection.
The slected product is opened in the MagiCAD Connect application where the user can:
  • Print the product sheet and technical data.
  • Open the current product from the ABC Vent web shop.
  • Add a roof duct for the product.
  • Add accessories for the product. Note that accessories are not visible objects in the project. Accessories are added as additional information to the details of the roof cowl product.
The user clicks the Insert to MagiCAD button to insert the product into MagiCAD.
A new insert dialog is shown to user after the Insert to MagiCAD button has been selected. The user is able to:
  • Set the product user code in the MagiCAD project (optional).
  • Set the product installation height (mm) in the MagiCAD project (mandatory).
  • Select the product ventilation system in the MagiCAD project (mandatory). The same ventilation systems are visible in the selection tool as in the MagiCAD. In case of combination cowl i.e. cowl contains connections for two systems (outdoor supply and exhaust) there is system selection for both system types.
  • Set the product roof duct user code (optional). Product roof duct is visible if it's added to the product.
After the information is filled in the dialog, the user is able to insert the product into the project with the Insert button. After inserting the product, the user is able to connect the product to ductwork.
By double clicking the product the user sees the “Part Properties” dialog with detailed information about the product.
The Properties button will open the “Product Properties” dialog where the user can see e.g. the product diameters, pressure diagram and sound power levels.
Use the MagiCAD balancing calculation features to calculate your ventilation network.