Advanced Search Filters
More search filters can be found by scrolling down.
 Ventilation Operation Point
Define an operation point and add it as a search filter by pressing the UPDATE button.
This option is shown if the search result contains one or more of the following product types:
Outdoor exhaust air device
Outdoor supply air device
 Sound Attenuation Filter
Define sound attenuation and add it as a search filter by pressing the UPDATE button.
This option is shown if the search result contains the silencer product type.
 Remove a Specific Search Criteria
You can remove any search criteria and filters by pressing the X.
 Sort Results
Sort search results by relevance or by product code.
 Search Results
The found product family and variant counts can be seen on the top of the search results. If the result contains too many products you can add additional search filters to limit the search.
Product cards are listed below the result count values. You can inspect a product by clicking on it.
 Manufacturer Filter
Filter manufacturers by checking the checkbox next to the manufacturer's name.
 Other Search Filters
Additional search filters can be found by scrolling down.
 Insert Product
Hover the cursor over the product card and the insert button will appear. Add the product (family) to the project by clicking on the INSERT-button.