After the user has clicked the Insert button in Altech ribbon panel in MagiCAD Connect, the Selection Tool reads all the MagiCAD project heating systems from the MagiCAD project. Selection Tool asks for user to select a pipe from drawing and the system from selected pipe is used as pre-selected system in Selection Tool. User can skip the pipe selection with ESC key. In this case user needs to select the correct system in Selection Tool. Selected system temperatures will be used as a product filtering criteria in Selection Tool.
After this, the Altech Selection Tool is opened into the MagiCAD Connect application in the radiator selection section. Language selection is available on the top of the Selection Tool. There is three different sections for the product selection:
1. Radiator section
2. Accessories section
3. Selections section
In Radiator section user will filter and select the radiator(s) or convector(s) to be inserted to MagiCAD project. User can filter the products with:
- Heating system supply and return temperatures (values from selected MagiCAD system).
- Product height and length
- Room temperature
- Effect heat demand
In Accessories section user will filter the connection set products and radiator actuators with manufacturer information and product type (radiator or convector connection set).
In Selection section user will see the overall selection result of the products which will be inserted into MagiCAD project.