After the user has clicked the Insert Pipes button in Altech ribbon panel in MagiCAD Connect, the Selection Tool asks for user to select a single or multiple radiators where the pipes should be inserted. Command is cancelled with keyboard ESC button.
User accepts the selection with keyboard ENTER button. After that Selection Tool shows the dialog for settings the values for pipes insert.
 Pipe series
Select the pipe series to be used when pipes are inserted to connection set. The list contains the pipe series from MagiCAD project.
 Pipe sizes
Select the pipe series size to be used from the selected series. The connection set size can be also selected but in case where pipe series does not contain the correct size, the next size bigger is selected.
 Pipe distance
Select the supply and return pipes distance from each other.
 Pipe height level
Select the supply and return pipes center height level from floor zero level.
The ialog shows the supply and return pipes height levels automatically when the distance and height level is changed.
Finally accept the pipes insert operation with “OK” button and Selection tool inserts the pipes to radiators.