Menu Insert Product

After the user has clicked the Insert Product button in MagiCAD Connect, the Blücher Selection Tool is opened into the MagiCAD Connect application. Insert Product...

Configure product

1. Configure product
On the left-hand side, the user can configure whatever product they are looking for.
The user starts by selecting the product type they want to configure.
The rest of the selections are adjusted accordingly based on the product type selection.
Whenever the user changes the selections, the rest of the properties are adjusted to only enable the user to make allowed selections.

Selected product

2. Selected product
On the right-hand side, the user can see the final selected product. They can look for 3D, 2D or Dimension images.
Below the image are the product code and specification details shown.


3. Insert
Inserts the product to the project.
The Selection Tool transfers product code and specification details with the selected product into the project after the user clicks “Insert.”