
4.2. Errors

Actions to correct
Error occurred!
An unexpected error occurred.
Please contact our support. Please take a note which steps you took when this error occurred and can it be reproduced.
No Internet connection detected.
Ethernet cable is not connected. WLAN is turned off. Ethernet switch is turned off or not connected.
Ethernet cable is not connected. Check that you ethernet cable is intact and connected to your PC/laptop and to the ethernet switch. WLAN is turned off. Most laptops have an external switch for turning WLAN on and off. Locate the switch and toggle it. Ethernet switch is turned off or not connected. Check that your ethernet switch is powered on and all the cables are connected. If this error repeats, please contact your network administrator (or provider)
Network error occurred.
There is problem with the network.
If this repeats, please contact your network administrator.
Connection timed out.
Slow or bad Internet connection.
DNS error occurred.
Unable to access DNS server.
This might occur if you have just enabled the WLAN / internet connection. If this issue persists please contact your network administrator for support.
Unauthorized access.
The authentication to the requested content failed.
Please check that you have the latest version of MagiCAD Connect. Try to restart your design environment.
Request prohibited by proxy.
Request prohibited by proxy.
Please check Advanced Topics - Using a Proxy.
Data is unavailable.
Requested data is unavailable.
If this issue persists please contact our support.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect's online configuration without which the application cannot function. UI will be shown as disabled.
The Internet connection might not be stable. Firewall may block MagiCAD Connect from accessing the configuration. If the points above don't solve the issue, contact our support. Configuration might be unavailable.
Failed to save MagiCAD Connect configuration information to Windows registry.
MagiCAD Connect doesn't have the necessary access rights to Windows registry inorder to backup the configuration.
Please run Revit, AutoCAD or BricsCAD as an admin. This will give MagiCAD Connect the required access rights to windows registry.
MagiCAD Connect initialization failed!
The initialization failed.
The initialization failed therefore the application needs to be restarted.
Unable to access Windows registry.
MagiCAD Connect doesn't have the necessary access rights to Windows registry.
Try starting the design environment as an administrator. Right click on Revit/AutoCAD/BricsCAD icon and press Run as administrator
MagiCAD Connect initialization failed! Unable to access Windows registry.
Try starting the design environment as an administrator. Right click on Revit/AutoCAD/BricsCAD icon and press "Run as administrator" If restarting the design environment as an administrator doesn't solve the issue contact our support.
A registry value is missing or corrupted.
Please try to reinstall MagiCAD Connect as an administrator.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. Connection timed out.
The Internet connection might be unstable or the service is busy.
Please try again later.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. Network error occurred.
A network error has occured, which has prevented MCCconfiguration to be retrieved from MagiCAD Cloud. MagiCAD Connect cannot be used without this configuration.
Please retry the operation. Please check your internet connection or consult your network administrator. Please check Advanced Topics - Using a Proxy
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. Request prohibited by proxy.
Please check Advanced Topics - Using a Proxy
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. Data is unavailable.
The MagiCAD Connect configuration is temporarily unavailable.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. No Internet connection detected.
No internet connection detected
Please connect to the internet in order to use MagiCAD Connect. MagiCAD Connect is an application that connect's MagiCAD Cloud's large online BIM library to the design environment and requires an internet connection in order to work.
Failed to get MagiCAD Connect configuration. DNS error occurred.
MagiCAD Connect's online configuration could not be loaded due to DNS error.
DNS error might occur if you launch MagiCAD Connect right after the wlan or ethernet has been connected. Please wait a minute after connecting to the internet and restart the design environment and MagiCAD Connect with it. If this issue persists please contact your network administrator for support.
Default e-mail application could not be launched.
The user defined default application for e-mails in Windows could not be launched.
Please ensure that you have defined a default e-mail application for the Windows. Window's own default e-mail application "Mail" recycles it's process which might cause this error even when the email application is successfully launched. In such case you can ignore this error message.
Connection infromation is incomplete.
The calling might be uncompatible with the current MagiCAD Connect version.
Application localization failed.
If this occurs the application will fallback on default English translations.
Localization files might be missing or corrupted. Try re-installing MagiCAD Connect. If this issue persists please contact our support.
Failed to get authentication token.
Unable to authenticate as a MagiCAD Cloud user (login credentials missing).
Please try to renew the login by sign out and back in again.
Failed to create authentication token.
Unable to authenticate as a MagiCAD user.
There might be a version mismatch. Re-install MagiCAD Connect. If this error persists, please contact our support.
Maximum URL length exceeded.
This issue can occur if too much information is sent from the project to a selection tool within the URL.
It is likely that the feature can't be used. If this issue occurs frequently, please contact MagiCAD Support.
Browsing failed.
Failed to launch the web browser.
This error is most likely due to an issue in the Chrome based web engine used in MagiCAD Connect. An automatic error report should be sent by the browser module to Essential Objects. There is a fix in EO 2019.1.81 (and newer) that will solve major part of these issues. Please update to the latest Connect in order to get this fix. From Essential Objects regarding version 2019.1.81: "Fixed running multiple versions of EO.WebBrowser on the same computer can cause crash issue;"
Failed to get permalink for the product.
There could be an issue with the connection or the server.
Try again later and if this error persists, please contact our support.
Product does not exist in MagiCAD Cloud.
This occurs when the user tries to check the properties of a product that does not exist in MagiCAD Cloud.
As the product is not present in MagiCAD Cloud, it is most likely a product either created in MagiCAD Create or a product present in another similar database.
JavaScript error occurred.
An error occured in web sites JavaScript context.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Web error occured.
An error occurred in the web context. This might or might not impact the service depending on the severity of the error.
If you notice any weird behavior that prevents MagiCAD Cloud use, please contact support. Otherwise you can ignore this error.
Unknown operation invoked! This version might be obsolete.
The operation is not supported in the current MagiCAD Connect version.
Please check that MagiCAD Connect is up-to-date.
Unable to handle the requested function.
Failed to handle the requested function by the web context.
There might be a version mismatch between the UI and the client application. Try updating MagiCAD Connect to the latest version. If this error persists, please contact our support.
Product data is missing.
Getting the product data from MagiCAD Cloud failed.
If this occurs with different product types then this is most likely caused by Firewall settings.
Product data could not be located. (QPD)
The product data cannot be located on MagiCAD Cloud. The data indexing my be in progress and the data is temporarily unavailable.
Please retry in after an hour or so. If this issue persists after a couple of hours, please contact our support.
Failed to get product data.
The product data download fails.
The product data might be temporarily unavailable due indexing etc. If this reoccurs after a couple of hours please contact our support.
Failed to get product data. Connection timed out.
The Internet connection might be unstable or the service is busy please try again later.
Failed to get product data. Unauthorized access.
If used from pure environment (no MagiCAD) please renew to login by signing out and back in again.
Failed to get product data. Network error occurred.
A network error has occured, which has prevented the product data retrieval from MagiCAD Cloud
Please retry the operation. Please check your internet connection or consult your network administrator.
Failed to get product data. Request prohibited by proxy.
Failed to get product data due to the use of proxy.
Please check Advanced Topics - Using a Proxy
Failed to get product data. Data is unavailable.
The product data is temporarily unavailable. This might be due to data indexing.
Please retry in after an hour or so. If this issue persists after a couple of hours, please contact our support.
Downloads have been exhausted.
The maximum number of downloads has been reached
Please wait the necessary time period (one week) to download more.
Product data could not be located. (RFA)
The RFA cannot be located on MagiCAD Cloud. The data indexing my be in progress and the data is temporarily unavailable.
Failed to unzip the product data.
Unable to unzip the received ZIP-file. It is most likely either corrupted during transmission or 0 bytes in size.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Failed to get product meta data.
The program failed to get the necessary data, required for the product download and insert.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Meta data handling has failed!
The necessary data for product download and insert has been received but the application is unable to handle it.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Downloading multiple products has failed.
Inserting multiple products to (plain) Revit project has failed.
Attempt to see if any products potentially cause this issue during the downloading process, for example the process is stuck at the same product. If this error persists, please contact our support.
Unable to create family database.
There is an issue with handling the product family data stream received from the server.
Please contact our support. There might be an issue with the product data stream or there is a bug in the MagiCAD Connect.
Unable to create size database.
There is an issue with handling the product variant data stream received from the server.
Please contact our support. There might be an issue with the product data stream or there is a bug in the MagiCAD Connect.
Unable to finalize the product data.
Product data stream handling has failed.
Please contact our support.
Failed to apply data modifications.
Failed to apply the data modifications (specified by a selection tool) to the product data stream.
Please contact our support. There might be an issue with the product data stream or there is a bug in the MagiCAD Connect.
Failed to apply selection tool specific data modifications.
Please contact our support.
Unable to get the result.
Failed to get a result from the returned data.
Browsing result could not be obtained.
Failed to get a browsing result from the operation. Operation will be cancelled with this error message.
Could not add product to MagiCAD.
Application view change failed.
Failed to switch between application views (e.g. Web Browser view and Settings view)
Failed to manage settings.
Failed to manage application settings.
Failed to load settings.
Failed to load application settings. This might result in unexpected behavior in MagiCAD Connect.
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Failed to save settings.
Failed to save application settings. If MagiCAD Connect doesn’t work as expected
If this error persists, please contact our support.
Failed to get a user setting.
Failed to load a specific user setting.
Failed to set a user setting.
Failed to save a specific user setting.
Failed to define proxy settings.
Failed to define application proxy settings. Try disabling proxy settings and restarting the design environment.
Error occurred! (additional information)
An unexpected error occurred.
Please contact our support. Please take a note which steps you took when this error occurred and can it be reproduced. Please do also check the message below in this list.
Error occurred! The message filter indicated that the application is busy.
Connect is unable to get startup information from MagiCAD COM interface since MagiCAD COM server is busy. This issue might occur if MagiCAD and MagiCAD Connect are loaded in parallel and MagiCAD startup takes too much time
Set AutoCAD's or BricsCAD's STARTUP-value to something else than 2 (0, 1 or 3) (via the Command-line)
MagICAD Connect must first be uninstalled as MagiCAD Connect is started when AutoCAD or BricsCAD is started, before this value can be set in AutoCAD or BricsCAD.
Uninstall MagiCAD Connect via Window's Control panel (Programs and Features). Once you have uninstalled it and opened AutoCAD or BricsCAD and set the STARTUP-value again, can you reinstall MagiCAD Connect via MagiCAD's Plugin Manager.
Error occurred! (additional information)
An error occurred during Connect's offline configuration initialization.
Try connecting to the internert and restart your design environment.
Error occurred! (additional information)
An error occurred during Connect's online configuration initialization. Please use the Contact feature to report this issue.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to update MagiCAD Connect ribbon.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to check for updates.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to load an application module.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to initialize an application module
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to initialize an application module's user interface.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Command initialization failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Product selection logic initialization failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's initialization step failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's initialization step is not allowed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
MagiCAD is not loaded. Requested feature requires MagiCAD in order to work.
First check that the drawing in MagiCAD for AutoCAD or BricsCAD is connected to a project file, or that the Revit-project is connected to a dataset.
Otheriwise please try restarting the design environment or manually reloading MagiCAD.
Error occurred! (additional information)
MagiCAD API call has failed unexpectedly.
Restart Revit, AutoCAD or BricsCAD.
Updating MagiCAD Connect or MagiCAD could also solve the issue.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to get MagiCAD Dataset for the Search Products' web UI.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to read a RFA property.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to read MagiCAD specific RFA property.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's operation step failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's operation step is not allowed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's finalization step failed.
Make sure that your shared parameters file isn't open in any 3rd party software, for example in Word or Excel. For example MagiCAD's shared parameters file can be found in folder path C:\ProgramData\MagiCAD-RS\*MagiCAD version* in case no changes have been made internally to the file-paths at your company. (The file's name by default is magiParameters.txt)
Error occurred! (additional information)
Feature's finalization step is not allowed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Product insert is not allowed. See the error message for additional details.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Insert to (MagiCAD Dataset) failed unexpectedly.
Try installing the product again. If this error persists, please contact our support.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Insert to MagiCAD Dataset failed because the inserted product class is not supported by the current MagiCAD version.
Please contact our support and inform them that an uncompatible product is shown in the product search. Please include the product type, product code and if possible also a permalink from the product details card on the product seach.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Insert to MagiCAD Dataset failed because some data required for the insert was missing.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Insert to MagiCAD Dataset was aborted due to an unspecified issue.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to write a RFA property.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to write a MagiCAD specific RFA property.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Failed to get a product handle for the inserted product. Some critical data might be missing from the product.
Error occurred! (additional information)
An error has occurred in an extension module.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Extension module load failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Extension module command activation failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Extension module's feature's initialization / preparation step (or "pre-step") failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Extension module's feature's main operation step (or "main-step") failed.
Error occurred! (additional information)
Extension module's feature's finalization step (or "post-step") failed.