Menu Insert Hood

The Insert Hood command opens ETS NORD MagiCAD Selection Tool which enables the user to configure a kitchen hood to suit their needs.
Pressing the button opens the selection tool in the MagiCAD Connect application.
The selection tool is divided into two parts: The first part is the configuration part where user selects features and details of the hood. The lower part presents the configured product based on the user selected values.
The red info buttons provide more information on each selection to guide the user through the configuration.
The configuration is started when a required airflow is set. It can be set either by selecting the devices under the hood or by setting the required air flow manually. Insert Hood
The configured product view shows the user details of the hood. The connection configuration and number of filters can be changed in the combo boxes.

Set airflow by kitchen equipment

1. Set airflow by kitchen equipment
The required exhaust airflow can be set by defining the kitchen equipment under the hood. The devices can be added using the “+” button and removed by pressing the button at the end of the device’s table row.
The power of the device needs to be defined in the input box before its required airflow is calculated. Any required extra exhaust air can be added at the bottom of the dialog.
Pressing the "Calculate hood"-button will start the configuration.

Set airflow manually

2. Set airflow manually
The airflow can also be set manually. The "Set airflow manually" dialog asks the user to set the extract airflow required from the kitchen hood. Pressing the calculate hood button will start the configuration.
If an air distribution option that includes supply air is selected, the supply air field is also visible. If left empty, a default value for the supply airflow will be used.


3. Insert
The insert button is used to add the product to a BIM project. 

MagiCAD for AutoCAD

Adding the information upon installation:
The product inserted into MagiCAD for AutoCAD:

MagiCAD for Revit

When inserting the hood in Revit, the user can select to insert it as a Revit assembly, otherwise must all the parts of the hood  be selected at once when moving the unit so that it doesn't come apart.
It is however easier to connect the unit when it is not created as an assembly.
The product inserted into Revit:

Export PDF

4. Export PDF
The Export PDF button opens a dialog where you can choose between a detailed or drawings only pdf report. The detailed report contains all data, diagrams and dimension images of the configured hood while a drawings only report contains the dimensions images and most important data of the configured hood.

Export DXF

5. Export DXF
The Export DXF button generates and downloads a dxf file of the configured hood.

Export image

6. Export image
A rendered image or an image with dimension lines can be generated from the Image export -dialog. Pressing the Save file button will download the image in a png format.

Edit connections

7. Edit connections
The exhaust and supply connect positions can be adjusted in the “Edit connections” tab. New connections can also be added using the “+” button or existing removed by using the “x” button at the end of the connection table row.
Once the all the changes are done, pressing the “Apply” button will apply all the changes into the 3D model. The connection size can be changed in this tab as well, this will affect all exhaust or supply connections. Which connection row is being edited can be changed from the “Row index” combo box.