The insert ventilation ceiling command opens ETS NORD MagiCAD Selection Tool which enables the user to configure a ventilation ceiling with different modules.
(Only available in MagiCAD for AutoCAD)
Pressing the button opens the selection tool in the MagiCAD Connect application.
The selection tool is divided into two parts. The first part is the configuration part where user selects the modules to be inserted and some selections for them.
Depending on the modules which are to be inserted, when the user presses either "Configure" button or sets an airflow, the modules are automatically generated. The airflow can be set either by selecting the devices under the ceiling or by setting the required air flow manually.
The module configuration section shows the user the generated modules. The user can edit the generated modules, add new modules or delete modules. The “+” button is used to add a new module, and the “-” button on each row removes the module on that row.
Set airflow by kitchen equipment
The required exhaust airflow can be set by defining the kitchen equipment under the ventilation ceiling. The devices can be added using the “+” button and removed by pressing the button at the end of the device’s table row.
The power of the device needs to be defined in the input box before its required airflow is calculated. Any required extra exhaust air can be added at the bottom of the dialog.
Pressing the "Calculate modules"-button will start the configuration.
The airflow can also be set manually. Depending on the selected module, the "Set airflow manually" dialog asks the user to set the extract/supply airflow required from the modules. Pressing the calculate modules button will start the configuration.
The insert button is used to add the modules to a BIM project. If the attach products together checkbox is enabled, the modules will be joined together during the insert, and not all of them need to be individually inserted to the drawing.