Menu Firestop design basics

Effective firestop design is strongly linked to the number of products and methods chosen.  Many different solutions mean more detail drawings and instructions which lead to a greater risk of making mistakes when installing firestops. Therefore, it is important to favor same products whenever possible to keep the product repertoire in a minimum. To tackle installation, budget, and compliance challenges single penetrations should be preferred. Multiple penetrations (or combination penetrations) are usually more difficult to implement due to more limited approvals. Planning well in advance, also pre-installed firestops can be used to increase site efficiency. Pre-installed firestop solutions include for example CFS-SL GA firestop sleeve for electrical penetrations and CFS-CID cast-in firestop for pipe floor penetrations. Feel free to contact Hilti to receive a basic training how to create a safe and cost-efficient firestop design (insinoorit@hilti.com / 020 7999 350).
Firestop plan includes text part that include information of chosen products, floor plans with firestop location details and detail drawings of solutions.
Text part and additional detail drawings can be downloaded from Hilti’s online firestop design tool - Hilti FS Planner (https://fsplan.fi/).