Firestop design with Hilti Firestop for BIM
Create provisions with MagiCAD
Select provisions and launch Hilti Firestop for BIM OR launch Hilti tool directly
Select firestop solutions
-> product objects will be inserted to the model and provisions are automatically modified (except if products are inserted in existing voids or in the case of reservation)
General firestop design guidelines should be followed also when using Hilti Firestop for BIM: user should try to keep product portfolio in a minimum.
Dataset settings
Hilti Firestop for BIM can be used for single penetrations only. Multiple penetrations need to be handled manually. Before launching the Hilti tool, please set your project’s dataset setting to support creation of single penetrations when using the MagiCAD Provision for Builderswork. Dataset can be managed from MagiCAD common tab (Modify dataset -Dataset - Provision for builderswork openings – Settings - Edit).
Please keep in mind that Hilti Firestop for BIM does not take account the distances between penetration services. Allowed distances should always be checked from product specific ETA approval or from detail drawing of firestop solution.
Creation of provisions
Hilti Firestop for BIM is a modelling tool to define and configure firestop solutions to provisions. Before launching the tool provisions should be created if not already existing. Create provisions with MagiCAD Provision for Builderswork.
Run MagiCAD Provision for Builderswork and
Use the automatic option to create provisions for selected penetrations. Automatic creation process enables to use automatic size optimization for provisions.
Manually create provisions for electrical penetrations, reservations, or existing voids
We recommend using automatic option whenever possible!
Project units
Use the same project units in Revit (Manage - Settings - Project units) which are used with calculating the product consumption: