Menu Insert Product for Void

Insert Product for Void command can be used to insert firestop products to existing voids.
First user needs to create provisions with MagiCAD Provision for Builderswork. The provision should be placed in the same coordinate as the existing void. With Insert Product for Void command user can select single or multiple manually created provisions. Selection is verified from top left corner by pressing Finish. Then user needs to select source document for MEP instance selection: current active or linked Revit document. Source needs to be selected only once in Revit session.  Now user can select MEP element going through the provision.
After selections, Hilti Firestop for BIM application opens. Please see more detailed instructions of selecting firestop product or using the Hilti Firestop for BIM tool below Insert Products -headline. When defined products are saved and inserted to the project, manually created provision will automatically be deleted.