Insert Multiple Products
To make the insertion of many products much more efficient, the users have the option to use the multi insert function.
When you have selected a specific collection in the Search Products dialog, you will have the option to add the products to a selection, which can then be inserted at once.
Note: This does only work in plain Revit.
When you are done with the selection you can then insert all selected products with a single click.
In the toolbar to the left
Select products
Select the products one-by-one manually when this option is active
Select all on the current page
Select all the products on the current page to the selection.
Reset selection
Remove all the products from the selection.
Insert selected
Insert all the products that you have added to the selection into the active project.
A separate dialog will show the progress of the insertion of the products.
The dialog tells you how many products have been downloaded (in blue) and inserted (in red) from the total number of products you selected from your collection (in gray).
If the products are very detailed, like for example manifolds, it may seem like the application freezes, but after a little while the progress should be updated once again.
In case there are any issues with the families being inserted, they will turn dark in the list. In cases like these, please inform our support.