Inserting Product
The inserting process is slightly different wether you are using MagiCAD Connect from
MagiCAD for Revit
MagiCAD for AutoCAD and BricsCAD
If the MagiCAD Connect version is 2021.9.18.622 or newer, then MagiCAD Connect will keep the product search open in the background, and will return to it, and more products can be selected. If MagiCAD is of version 2022 UR-1 and newer, then products which have been inserted into the project file are also shown::
Inserted products: The difference between Ventilation & Piping and Electrical
Due to products in Ventilation & Piping being inserted with all the variants simultaneously, in one product, and in Electrical products being inserted one variant at a time, MagiCAD Cloud shows these in a slighlty different way.
In Ventilation & Piping products is the product as a whole shown as Inserted and more products cannot be inserted:
But in Electrical it is shown as Inserted with the red frame, but the Insert-option is still open:
When opening the product card can it be seen which variants have been inserted and which can still be inserted:
Once all variants in a product have been inserted is the option to insert more products disabled: