Inserting Product in MagiCAD for Revit
If MagiCAD Connect is used together with MagiCAD, MagiCAD Connect adds the selected product to MagiCAD dataset first.
If the MagiCAD Connect version is 2021.9.18.622 or newer, then MagiCAD Connect will keep the product search open in the background, and will return to it, and more products can be selected. If MagiCAD is of version 2022 UR-1 and newer, then products which have been inserted into the dataset are also shown:
Note: From MagiCAD Connect XXXXX products which have already been inserted can be inserted again.
For additional information how to use MagiCAD Connect with MagiCAD please visit the
MagiCAD's online help.
MagiCAD 2018 for Revit top new feature - MagiCAD Connect
MagiCAD 2018 UR-1 for Revit / MagiCAD CloudSearch