
1.2. Installing the Software

Third-party software
MagiCAD Connect applications works with the following softwares:
  • Revit
  • AutoCAD
  • BricsCAD
MagiCAD Connect (MCC) works differently when used with MagiCAD than without MagiCAD. Both cases are represented in this documentation.
Before installation
Workstation administrator privileges are mandatory for installation.
  • Download the latest installer file from MagiCAD Portal to your workstation.
  • Save unsaved project and close Revit if it is running.
  • Run the MagiCAD Connect installer on your workstation (as an administrator)
By installing the software you have accepted our Privacy Policy and End-user License Agreement.
Both can be viewed when installing the software:
Silent installation
You can install MagiCAD Connect silently, via the Command Prompt, for example like this:
"MagiCAD Connect for Revit 2018-2022.exe" INSTALL_R2020=1 INSTALL_R2021=1 /silent
Command installs MagiCAD Connect for Revit 2020 and Revit 2021.
By installing the software you accept our Privacy Policy and End-user License Agreement (see above under "Installation").