
2.1.5. Mollier Diagram

With the Mollier diagram the user can test how humid air is affected by various properties, like the humidity, temperature and enthalpy. Various processes, heating, cooling, humidification and mixing, can also be tested to see how these affect the properties.
2.1.5. Mollier Diagram


1. Settings
In the settings can both the limits of the diagram as well as the units be set:

State List

The states and processes are listed here, starting from the first point. The elements of this list can be selected to view the properties of each state and process in more detail in the Properties list.
Here can processes also be reset to an earlier state, but notice that everything up until this point is reverted and the values removed.

The states and processes as shown in the diagram

Here can the different states and processes be seen and compared to the State List


When either setting the values for the next process or checking the states in the State List,  the properties of the individual states are shown here.
Note that the properties are locked once they have been set and the process to the next state has been approved and listed.
The processes can be adjusted both here and in the diagram, and when an initial state is created can a value for the air flow be given, which will be used in the power calculations.


These four processes can be utilized to affect the air from one state to the next. Each process will guide the user with different options and the user sets the final properties after the process. Multiple processes can be calculated consecutively, which allows users to create and adjust the complete air handling process.
From the initial state the user can set the final air temperature and enthalpy, or adjust the temperature difference, enthalpy difference or power demand and all other values will update accordingly.
An initial state has been selected and next is the "Cool" option selected.
The following properties will in the case of cooling be shown and the different values can be set.
 Humidification can also be applied which will be dependent on the coil temperature. How much condensed water is produced is also calulcated:
In a humidifcation process can an evaporative or steam process be selected:
Two airflows with different properties can be mixed, using this option.
"1" is the initial air flow, "M" is the additional air used for mixing, and "2" is the final, mixed air after the process.
In all processes "Apply" is selected once the final properties and different options are set, and the new state, and the process, are saved to the States List.