
Product Reports and Accessories in MagiCAD

The user is able to select accessories for the products during the insert operation. Accessories are not visible objects in the drawing but they are visible in the Part Properties dialog.
In MagiCAD the user is able to create reports where the accessories will be added in named columns to see what products and accessories are used in the project.
To add user variable columns in the MagiCAD project, open the “Project Management” dialog from MagiCAD V&P's General tab and Project button.
Open the Report templates section and open the Ventilation template for editing by double clinking it.
From “Include these attributes” and “Part identification”, in the attributes list, find the User variables from one to four and add them to you report template (arrow to right) with your accessory categories. And when all the user variables with a column name is added close the “Edit Report Template” dialog and “Project Management” dialog.
Select the report command from MagiCAD's V&P module.
Create a report with Ventilation template and with the “Output type” as you wish. Use the object selection from the “Current drawing” and select the devices which should be included in the report.
The report will now show the accessories in the user defined categories for each product in the project.