3.1. Proxy and Firewall Settings
Many companies have practices of using proxies, which can cause issues when accessing MagiCAD Cloud. This can manifest itself e.g. in form of error E0201.
Failed to get MagiCAD Cloud configuration.
In order to counter this issue do one of the following:
2. Disable the proxy
3. Add *.magicloud.com and *.magicad.cloud to the proxy rule list. These adresses should be white-listed in company proxies for the connection to work.
Direct connections are preferred.
Sometimes firewalls might block the traffic. Allow *.magicloud.com and *.magicad.cloud in the company's firewalls.
Note: MagiCAD Cloud is currently using TSL 1.3 which prevents any HTTPS traffic to pass through a non-transparent proxy.
Proxies are supported in older TSL versions, but general support for these will come to an end in the coming years and for us to support these versions we would need to downgrade our system, which is why we haven't chosen to do so.