When Search Products button is clicked, MagiCAD Cloud is opened to a new window inside Revit software. Products can be searched in many ways, for example by manufacturer or product type, or free text search.
 Search Field
Write a free form search text to the search field. You can also select e.g. the dicipline, product type or manufacturer by writing it to the search field.
 Product Type Selection
Select product type(s) you would like to search.
 Market Area Selection
Select market area where the product needs to be available.
 Localization Selection
Localization for descriptions
With MagiCAD Cloud comes the option of using collection sets where the user can add products from the Cloud and build up a database, for example, for different projects.
Different collections can also be shared between users.
 Begin Search
You can begin the product search either by clicking at the search icon on the text search field or by pressing Enter while the focus is on the Search Field
 Reset the Search Criteria
Reset the search criteria.
 Help guide and About
The version details of MagiCAD Connect
The MagiCAD Connect User Guide
You can also hide these buttons with the small arrow to the right.