Menu Select product

The Select Product command can be used to configure a kitchen hood suited for the user’s needs and inserts the hood into a BIM project.
The button opens the selection tool and enables insertion of a configured product to a drawing. The selection tool is divided into two sections: Product Configuration and Configured Product. 
The details of the hood are selected in the Product Configuration section and the result of the configuration can be viewed in the Configured Product section.
In the Product Configuration section user defines required properties of the hood. Help with the selections can be found by clicking the info buttons next to the selection.
To start the configuration the airflow needs to be set either by defining kitchen equipment under the hood (“Set by kitchen equipment” button) or by manually entering the airflow (“Set manually” button) and pressing the “Calculate hood” button in the opened dialog. Select product
The Configured Product section contains details of the configured hood. The supply airflow and the number of filters can be changed in the "Product Info" tab.
The extract and supply devices’ diagrams can be viewed in the Extract Data and Supply Data tabs. By clicking an operation point on the diagrams, their sound power by octave band can be viewed in the "Extract Sounds" and "Supply Sounds" tabs.

Set by kitchen equipment

1. Set by kitchen equipment
The required extract airflow can be set by defining the kitchen equipment under the hood. The devices can be added using the “Add device” button and removed by pressing the cross at the end of the device’s table row.
The power of the device needs to be defined in the input box before its required airflow is calculated.
Any required extra extract air can be added at the bottom of the dialog. Pressing the "Calculate hood" button will start the configuration.

Set manually

2. Set manually
The Set manually -dialog asks the user to set the extract airflow required for the kitchen hood. Pressing the "Calculate hood" button will start the configuration.

PDF Export

3. PDF Export
A pdf report of the configuration can be generated from the Product Info tab containing details, diagrams and dimension images of the hood. The project information section in the report can be filled from the Project information dialog opened from the top right edge of the tool.

Image export

4. Image export
A rendered image or an image with dimension lines can be generated from the Image export -dialog. Pressing the Save file button will download the image in a png format.


5. Insert
The configured hood can be inserted into a drawing using the Insert button.