Menu Insert Product

After the user has clicked the Insert Product button in MagiCAD Connect, the Wide Selection Tool is opened into the MagiCAD Connect application. Insert Product

Configure product

1. Configure product
On the left-hand side, the user can configure the product.
The user needs to define if the product is used either in the supply or in the exhaust air system.
Width and height are mandatory fields and need to have a value to get a configured louver.
If the values are incorrect or the results are outside the recommended range, we show a warning or error for the user.


2. Show
On the right-hand side, the user can see the final selected product. They can look for Dimensions, 3D, or 2D images.
The Selection Tool transfers width, height, and airflow with the selected model into the Connect after the user clicks “Insert.”

Insert product

3. Insert product
When the user has selected and configured the product from the selection tool, it can be inserted into MagiCAD for Revit or plain Revit project by clicking the Insert button in the selection tool.